It most companies I always setup DFS as the home server structure. This allows me to have the same home folder/server location for all users regardless of where data resides. The nightmare of this scenario is the many steps it takes to create all of this. Below is a starter script I have written to automate the process. This script doesn’t take into account existing user accounts or data, so some sanity checks are needed.
#config variables $strDomainName = "@domain.local" #your suffix for all AD users "@domain.local" (UPN Suffix) $strUserPath = "OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=local" #DN for users OU "OU=Path,OU=To,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=local" $strFileServer = "SERVERNT01" #The server that hosts the files for DFS (Hostname) $strFileServerRootPath = "E:\Users\" #the local folder on the file server that contains the user folders $strDFSRootPath = "\\domain.local\Home\" #The root of the home folder path for DFS \\server\root or domain based \\domain.local\root ########################## # Do not edit below this # ########################## #promt for info $strUserFirst = read-host "Please enter the first name: " $strUserLast = read-host "Please enter the last name: " $strUserName = read-host "Please enter the username: " #random password $objRandom = New-Object System.Random $NewPassword=[char]$,72) #random capitol letter A through G 1..6 | ForEach { $NewPassword = $NewPassword + [char]$,122) } #random lowercase a through z $NewPassword = $NewPassword + [char]$,57) #Random number 0 throu 9 $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $NewPassword -AsPlainText -Force #setup some variables $strUPN = ($strUserName + $strDomainName) $strHomeFolder = ($strFileServerRootPath + $strUserName) $strShare = ($strUserName + "$") $strFileServerShareRootPath = ("\\" + $strFileServer + "\") #create the account New-ADUser -Name ($strUserFirst + " " + $strUserLast) -GivenName $strUserFirst -Surname $strUserLast -SamAccountName $strUserName -UserPrincipalName $strUPN -AccountPassword $SecurePassword -Path $strUserPath -PassThru | Enable-ADAccount #replicate AD repadmin /syncall /A /P /e /d > $null #Create the folder Invoke-Command -ComputerName $strFileServer -Scriptblock { #create the folder New-Item $Using:strHomeFolder -ItemType directory -Force > $null #set the ACL $objACL = Get-Acl $Using:strHomeFolder $objPermission = $Using:strUPN,"Modify",”ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit”,”None”,”Allow” $objAccessRule = new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule $objPermission $objACL.SetAccessRule($objAccessRule) $objACL | Set-Acl $Using:strHomeFolder > $null #share it out New-SmbShare -name $Using:strShare -path $Using:strHomeFolder -FullAccess Everyone > $null } #create the DFS link New-DfsnFolder -path ($strDFSRootPath + $strUserName) -TargetPath ($strFileServerShareRootPath + $strShare) > $null #output the user and password Write-Host "Created user $strUPN with password: $NewPassword"